Wednesday, October 12, 2011



It's been days since my last post. I was having this flu that keeps on coming and going as it pleased. Oh flu. Recovering, hope it will end soon. Enough of that story, let me share with you some delightful story for today.

Pssstt. Let me show you something.

Aaaah, isn't she a lovely one? Yes it is! Hee. and yes! I can assure you that it tastes as good as it looks. Every bite have its own story to tell, it's like you are on a stairway to heaven. Hee. Frankly speaking, i can't actually remember the name of the food, it was too delicious to remember the name. Hee. I think it is "Chicken chop something something with rice". Aha. I'm not helping am i? Hee.

What is a good food without a soothing cold drink? It's like you are trying to access an internet without a computer. Aha. Can i put it like that? I can't? Well, i just did. Hee. :D

Oh let me let me let me, please.. Oh aymansyarif, very well then what is it? Want to share something else with us? Show us something.


 Hee. Oh wait wait wait, i'm not finish yet! Hee. I had this too!

Aaaah! again. Isn't this too much to ask for? It is a frozen strawberry filled with vanilla ice cream and linings of chocolate. Yummy! It was so deliciously delicious. Hee. It is an unexplainable feelings. Aha. Oh I'm glad i had it. I'm so greatful!

Oh my. I'm famished.

1 comment:

sora. said...

where is this place? i want to try it sooooo bad, especially the frozen strawberry. those look so yummy! :D