Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Used to.


I used to like Skype very much. It reminds me of a person i used to chat with. I like to use it, one, it’s because it’s simple and easy to use. It is something new to me back then. It is very stable for me to use it in my campus because of the internet connection difficulties in student’s apartment.
There are lots of things it could remind me of. For example, I like this emoticon called
’ Talking  ‘  this is an emoticon referring to me when i talk too much. Aha. I like to imitate the way the mouth moved and the sound added to the emoticon would be ‘memomemomemo’, pronounced it like ‘mei mo mei mo’.
It’s was fun back then, and now i guess there’s no more Skype for me. Oh, Skype.

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